
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Journal week 11

Monday: Today we watched a movie.

Tuesday: Today we continued and finished our movie.

Wednesday: Today we continued our web pages and I have finished mine.

Thursday: Today came up with ideas of a product to photograph

Friday: Today I took photos of my product which was xbox 360

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Web Page

This is a Web Page I made using Dreamweaver CS4. It is a working website that shows all of my projects that anyone can see and find by the click of a single link.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


1. Describe how jobs have evolved since year 1990 until 2010
2. Discuss the typical levels of technology- based (communications) technology and types of education required for each.
3. Identify the factors that affect job satisfaction
4. Describe the ways that individuals exercise control over technology
5. Describe some technology first introduced as fiction that have become actual (reality)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Journal week 10

Monday: Today I taped and added my new footage to my film and continued to edit.

Tuesday: Today I edited my film and got close to being done with it.

Wednesday: Today I finished my film and it was shown to grade 9's.

Thursday: Today we got an assignment to make a web page filled with our projects and created a signature for a splash affect.

Friday: Today I continued on my web page.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Journal week 9

Monday: Today was a PA day

Tuesday: Today my group made a storyboard and started to edit our cyber-bullying video.

Wednesday: Today I continued my editing on my video.

Thursday: Today I continued my editing and made plans for some more footage to add to the video

Friday: Today we watched a movie called "The Island"

Cyber-Bullying Video

Shot 1 -Doherty texting, view from back, zoom in slowly. MS

Shot 2 - Close up of doherty's phone texting. Narration: "Ur lame" CS

Shot 3 - Braydens face shocked, and turns. CS

Shot 4 - Close up of Brayden's face, he's crying. CS

Shot 5 - Brayden is texting "Im gunna kill myself" CS

Shot 6 - Doherty receives text and "Pffts" MS


     The video will have many shots of people using Cyber devices such as computers, cell phones, and other devices, all when on screen, we will be illustrating  a "Bullying message". This will appear as an effect. The video will be 30 seconds of shots of bullying in action and people using cyber devices.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Photoshop Edit

Journal week 7

Monday: Today I continued and finished my remembrance day video using Final Cut Pro.

Tuesday: Today I got with my group and came up with an idea for our commercial.

Wednesday: Today we looked at Basic Photography and did some test.

Thursday: My group started filming our commercial and finished the filming.

Friday: Today we made scary pictures of ourselves using photoshop.