
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Recreating A CD

Font Of CD Case

Back Of CD Case

CD Cover

This is a remake of the Metallica album, Master of puppets. For this project I had to create a font cover, a back cover, and a CD cover. I made all of these based on the album but with my own style. I did this project using fireworks. The whole idea was that "Master Of Puppets" made me think about someone controlling the government so that's what I based my CD recreation on.

Journal week 16

Monday: Today I finished the back of my cd case and worked on my cd design.

Tuesday: Today I finished my cd design.

Wednesday: Today I helped some other people with their projects since I was done mine.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Journal week 15

Monday: Today I started our final project where I am doing a recreation of the album master of puppets.

Tuesday: Today we had a snow day.

Wednesday: Today I finished my web-page and started my album recreation.\

Thursday: Today I continued my album recreation starting with the front cover.

Friday: Today I finished the front cover and started working on the back of the cd case.

Project Proposal

I propose to recreate a CD cover for Metallica's Master of Puppets Album.  On the front I plan to put a remade master of puppets cover with the puppeteer over rows of crosses. Ont the back will be a different POV of the same picture. The CD itself will have the band name and colouring.

Friday, January 7, 2011


1.What does WYSIWYG stand for? what you see is what you get.
2. Give three reasons to use Dreamweaver. Creating a website, Design coding and create Java files.
3. Besides a WYSIWYG editor, what other kind of editor does Dreamweaver have? HTML code editor.
4. What does FTP stand for? File Transfer Protocol.
5. Why is having an FTP capability in Dreamweaver convenient? You don't have to use a separate FTP program.
6.What are the main steps in the Wab design process? Defining a site, Creating Templates, Content Creation, Publishing.
7. What is a "site" in Dreamweaver? The folder that contains you Web site and all it's files.
8. What does a template allow you to do? Create one master page the other pages are based on.
9. What does Dreamweaver do with HTML code unless you tell it otherwise? Rewrites it.
10. After you change your preferences, how are errors presented? Highlighted in Yellow.
11. What happens when you press F12 in Dreamweaver? It opens up whatever Browser is your default browser, and previews the Web page you are working on.

Journal week 14

Monday: Today I worked on my website finishing the splash page and creating the main page.

Tuesday: Today I worked on my main page and we had a supply teacher in class.

Wednesday: Today i continued editing my main page and started to make secondary linked pages.

Thursday: Today We wrote a note, answered some questions and I continued my website.

Friday: Today we wrote and answered our last set of review questions, talked about myths and I continued my web site.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Television Production review

Day 1

1. CCD's change light and colour into electrical signals.

2. A tripod is a three-legged device used to hold a camera during shooting

3. ENG stands for Electronic News Gathering

4. The viewfinder is a really tiny video monitor.

5. Both monitors and television receivers display images by shooting electrons from the back of the video tube.

6. A TV changes electrical signals back into picture.

7.  The electron gun is inside a video monitor

8. Which three colours are used to create video? Red, Green, Blue

9. The microphone picks up the sound and turns it into electrical signals.

Day 2

1. Which of the following is the correct production sequence? Treatment, Script, Storyboard, Shoot, Edit.

2. The actual shooting of the video takes place during the production phase.

3. The script is written early in the pre-production

4. Who is NOT on the production crew? Advertising Sponsor

5. Who is most involved in post-production? video editor

6. Editing happens during the phase called post-production.

7. Music and sound effects are added during the post-production phase of a video.

8. The design brief and the treatment are prepared during the pre-production.

9. The people who will watch the program are the audience.

10. The director takes care of the budget for a video production.

11. To edit video, the director and editor demodulate the selected scenes.

12. A storyboard is a picture outline created during pre-production of the video.

13. A storyboard describes everything that will be seen or heard on the video.

14. The first person to work on the video is the director.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Photoshop Q&A

What are the five key decisions involved in creating a new image?
Image Name, Image Width and Height, Image Resolution , Image Mode , and Image Contents

Why edit images in 24-bit color depth if ultimately they will be 8-bit images on the Internet?
If you work in a bit-depth of 8, many of Photoshop ’s advanced features, such as using Filters , resizing images, and re-coloring images are either not available or do not operate effectively.

Why would you use the Magnification /Navigation controls?
They allow you to edit the small details in an image and zoom in on your image content.

What does double-clicking the zoom tool do? 
Double-clicking the Zoom tool automatically sets your image to 100% magnification.

What happens when you hold down the space bar in Photoshop while the pointer is over an image window?
holding down the space bar makes the hand tool available no matter which tool you are currently using.

What is a Snapshot  in the History Palette ?
The Snapshot  is a record of the image complete with all the modifications you have performed on it.

What are states in the History panel?
A record of all changes made to the image or snapshot.

Does the image window display the physical demensions of an image?
If you hold down the Alt (option) key while clicking on the document information section, a pop-up window will display it.

How is opening a vector file in Photoshop different from opening a bitmap file?
The Rasterize Generic EPS Format dialog will be displayed and you must set the width, height, resolution and colour mode you want to work in. Once you set these options and click OK, Photoshop will convert the vector image to pixels.


Television Production

A TV program produced in one country can't automatically be viewed in many other countries without converting it to a different technical standard. These technical differences relate to both incompatibilities in equipment and in the approach to broadcasting the audio and video signals.
Some 14 different SDTV  (standard definition) broadcast TV standards have been used at different times throughout the world. They can be reduced to three primary groups:
  • NTSC (National Television System Committee)
  • SECAM (Sequential Color and Memory)
  • PAL (Phase Alternating Line)
Within these there are two major differences:
  • the total number of horizontal lines in the picture (525 or 625 for standard definition or SDTV) and 1,125 and 1,250 for high-definition TV (HDTV)
  • whether the transmission rate is 25 or 30 frames (complete pictures) per-second

    Aspect Ratios 

    >>Although the number of scanning lines may have varied, until recently all television systems had a 4:3 aspect ratio. The aspect ratio is the width-height proportion of the picture.
    The 4:3 ratio (note red box in the photo on the right) was consistent with motion pictures that predated the wide screen aspect ratios used in CinemaScope, VistaVision, and Panavision. When the HDTV standard was introduced it also made use of this wider (generally, 16:9) aspect ratio.
    In the picture here, the wider area (just inside the blue borders) represents the 16:9 ratio used in HDTV. Compared to the 4:3 ratio, this aspect ratio conforms to the wider perspective of normal human vision.