
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Photography Test

The Online Photography Test - Basics of Photography

1.The Rule of Thirds refers to: .  
A rule that specifies the focal length differential in calculating depth of field.
A compositional rule that divides a shot into vertical and horizontal thirds.
A compositional rule that refers to certain times of the day for better results.
The rule that says your third shot will always be the most stable of three shot in rapid succession

2.In order to maintain consistent exposure, (while all else remains the same), what happens between shutter speed and aperture?.
As the aperture widens, a slower shutter speed is required.
As the aperture widens, a faster shutter speed is required.
There is no relation between aperture and shutter speed.
None of the above.

3.The best way to reduce camera shake is to.
Increase your ISO
Decrease your shutter speed
Use a tripod
Increase (open) your aperture wider.

4.What does the keyboard function of CMD+J (CTRL+ J on Windows) do in Photoshop?.
It copies your current selection or layer to a new layer.
It deletes your current layer.
It toggles you between slideshow and regular mode
None of the above

5.What effect does barrel distortion have on images?.
Subjects appear to get narrower as they get further away from the optical axis of your lens
Subjects appear to get wider as they get further away from the optical axis of your lens
Neither A nor B
This is made up - there is no such thing as "barrel distortion"

6.What effect does pincushion distortion have on images?.
Subjects appear to get narrower as they get further away from the optical axis of your lens
Subjects appear to get wider as they get further away from the optical axis of your lens
Neither A nor B
This is made up - there is no such thing as "pincushion distortion"!

7.What color space should images be saved in if their intended output is a web gallery?.
Adobe RGB
ProPhoto RGB

8.What are the "Golden Hours"?.
The hours where you can charge the most for your time.
The hour before sunrise and after sunset.
The hour after sunrise and before sunset
The hour when the sun is at its peak

9.A color managed work flow means your monitor has been calibrated with.
colored Litmus
a colorizer
a color gauge
a colorimeter

10.As a general rule of thumb, you should avoid hand-holding when.
the weight of the camera+lens exceeds the inverse of your arm length
The weight of the camera/lens is less than the inverse of your arm length
The focal length of the lens exceeds the inverse of the shutterspeed.
None of the above

11.When shooting landscapes, the best type of lens to use would be a:.
wide angle lens
telephoto lens
macro lens
supertelephoto lens

12.When shooting portraits, the best type of lens to use would be a/an.
wide angle lens
18-55mm lens
100mm lens
300mm lens

13.When lighting a subject, traditionally, a one-light scenario would place the light:.
45 degrees to either side of the camera
90 degrees to either side of the camera
Directly behind the subject
Directly behind the camera

14.The numbers on the lens (18-55mm, 70mm, 100mm, etc.) refer to:.
The distance from the back element to the sensor/film
the distance from the front element to the sensor/film
the distance from the nodal point to the sensor/film
None of the above

15.Depth of field refers to.
the range of sharpness from near to far
the closest point in the image that is sharp
the furthest point of the image that is sharp
the background portions of an image that are sharp

16.SLR is an acronym that stands for.
Simple Lens Reflex
Single Lens Reflex
Single Lens reflector
Simple Lens reflector

17. The optimum print resolution for prints up to 11"x14" on most inkjet printers (as it can change from vendor to vendor) ranges from...
72-120 dpi
120-175 dpi
175-250 dpi
250-300 dpi

18.Bokeh refers to what phenomenon?.
The size and shape of out of focus points in the background
The difference between depth of field and chromatic abberation
The amount of fringing between areas of high contrast
The amount of noise in an image

19.What is the primary difference between SLR and other cameras?.
SLR cameras are simpler to use
SLR cameras allow for interchangeable lenses
SLR cameras are for professional use only
SLR cameras have been decreasing in their market presense

20.Raw images are considered superior to jpg images primarily because.
they require more skill to manipulate
they typically are obained from better sensors
they typically have higher megapixel counts
they maintain the ability to make changeable adjustments after capture

21. Extension tubes are useful for:
extending the focal length of your lens
extending the distance between the sensor and the rear lens element
extending the ISO sensitivity range, thereby reducing noise
extending the time frame to retain sharpness while allowing for longer exposures

22. Extenders are useful for:
extending the focal length of your lens
extending the distance between the sensor and the rear lens element
extending the ISO sensitivity range, thereby reducing noise
extending the time frame to retain sharpness while allowing for longer exposures

23. At what range of shutter speeds can the movement of the mirror introduce blur if the lock-up mechanism is not engaged?:
One half (1/2) to five seconds
Five to 30 seconds
One eigth (1/8th) to 1/20th of a second
1/20th to 15 seconds

24. Which of the following statements is most accurate?
As aperture increases, the f-stop number decreases.
As aperture increases, the f-stop number increases.
As aperture increases, the f-stop number remains constant.
Apertures and f-stops are not related

25. When a lens designed for a full frame is mounted on a smaller-than-full frame camera, what happens with regard to the imaging area?
The edges of the imaging area have a black vignette, due to barrel reflection.
The edges of the imaging area are cropped off, giving an apparent "zoom" on the center section of the area..
The edges of the imaging area show distortion due to chromatic abberation.
The edges of the imaging area are usually brighter due to lens flare on the periphery.

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